proportioning control vibratory conveyors

Seasoning Systems

Vibratory Conveying Systems

Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor

The control of feed from process to multiple seasoning or packing lines using a single vibratory conveyor with proportioning split from 0-100%.


  • In-flight proportioning based on seasoning loop requirements by weight.
  • Minimum system height loss.
  • Gentle product handling.
  • Split again and again, using several proportioning conveyors.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Low running and maintenance costs.
proportioning control vibratory conveyors
proportioning control vibratory conveyor

KMG proportional control vibratory conveyors are typically used to evenly and accurately split a process feed to many kitchen seasoning stations without the need for splitter ploughs or pneumatically operated gates. A versatile conveyor that can also be integrated into any transfer system that requires a split feed.

The KMG proportioning control vibratory conveyor enables your base product to be cleanly and accurately fed to different in kitchen seasoning loops.

At KMG Systems, we understand that precise material handling is crucial for optimising production and minimising waste. Our Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor takes accuracy to the next level. By integrating advanced control systems and sensor technologies, we ensure the precise proportioning and distribution of materials,

The Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor developed by KMG Systems is a game-changer for industries requiring precise control over product flow rates. Our advanced technology allows for unparalleled accuracy in proportioning and distributing base product, enabling manufacturers to optimise their production processes. This conveyor system eliminates the challenges associated with manual handling and traditional conveyor systems, providing a seamless and efficient solution.

One of the key advantages of the KMG Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor is its ability to deliver precise proportioning control. Equipped with intelligent sensors and advanced control algorithms, this system ensures accurate distribution of materials in real-time. The proportional feeding capability allows for consistent material flow rates, reducing the risk of overfeeding or underfeeding, and eliminating costly production errors. By maintaining a constant and controlled flow, manufacturers can enhance product quality, reduce waste, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Our Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing production lines, minimising downtime and disruption during installation. Additionally, the system’s user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make operation and maintenance straightforward.

Every company has unique material handling requirements, and our Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor is designed to meet those needs. With customisable features and adaptable configurations, we can tailor our system to suit your specific application.

Our Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor offers unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility for industries dealing with bulk materials. By integrating this cutting-edge technology into their operations, companies can optimise production processes, improve product quality, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

See where else we use the Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor Machine

Seasoning SystemsVibratory Conveying Systems with the Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor

Kitchen Dry Seasoning

KMG Kitchen dry seasoning systems are designed to surpass process throughput and seasoning application requirements and tailored to your factory layout. Typically one to three drums are fed by proportioning systems from the main process.

Kitchen Dry Seasoning
Kitchen Dry Seasoning

On Machine Seasoning System

KMG On Machine Seasoning System (OMS) offers producers flexibility where multiple outlets are fed with product and seasoned directly above the packaging machine. Each On Machine Seasoning System (OMS) is fully gravimetric and can be cleaned in less than 20 minutes whilst to other stations production is unaffected.

On Machine Seasoning System
on machine seasoning system

Oil & Dry Seasoning

Using the features of KMG Liquid spray units and dry seasoning systems KMG has perfected the oil and dry seasoning of Tortilla Chips, Popcorn, Nuts and Extruded products for the worlds leading snack manufacturers.

Oil & Dry Seasoning
oil and dry seasoning

Slurry Coating

Extruded snacks may need to be heavily seasoned for deep flavour absorption into the product. Where separate oil and dry application systems can’t be used, KMG slurry coating systems may be the alternative.

Slurry Coating
slurry coating systems

Vibratory Conveying Systems

Present in over 100 countries KMG is a major supplier of specialised conveying systems to multi-national and local food manufacturers . Our customers rely on KMG systems to safely transport their products from process to packaging using vibratory conveyors that are renowned for their excellent performance, durability and low energy usage – providing good value for money and superb reliability.

Vibratory Conveying Systems
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Kitchen Dry Seasoning

Kitchen Dry Seasoning

KMG Kitchen dry seasoning systems are designed to surpass process throughput and seasoning application requirements and tailored to your factory layout. Typically one to three drums are fed by proportioning systems from the main process.

Kitchen Dry Seasoning

on machine seasoning system

On Machine Seasoning System

KMG On Machine Seasoning System (OMS) offers producers flexibility where multiple outlets are fed with product and seasoned directly above the packaging machine. Each On Machine Seasoning System (OMS) is fully gravimetric and can be cleaned in less than 20 minutes whilst to other stations production is unaffected.

On Machine Seasoning System

oil and dry seasoning

Oil & Dry Seasoning

Using the features of KMG Liquid spray units and dry seasoning systems KMG has perfected the oil and dry seasoning of Tortilla Chips, Popcorn, Nuts and Extruded products for the worlds leading snack manufacturers.

Oil & Dry Seasoning

slurry coating systems

Slurry Coating

Extruded snacks may need to be heavily seasoned for deep flavour absorption into the product. Where separate oil and dry application systems can’t be used, KMG slurry coating systems may be the alternative.

Slurry Coating

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Vibratory Conveying Systems

Present in over 100 countries KMG is a major supplier of specialised conveying systems to multi-national and local food manufacturers . Our customers rely on KMG systems to safely transport their products from process to packaging using vibratory conveyors that are renowned for their excellent performance, durability and low energy usage – providing good value for money and superb reliability.

Vibratory Conveying Systems

Suitable products for the Proportioning Control Vibratory Conveyor

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